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Setup a Catch-All Email for your domain – Lil Assistance
🎯 What’s the goal?
To redirect all misaddressed emails to your domain to an alternative mailbox.
⚠️ Why does it matter?
It’s not necessarily important.
🏁 What’s the result?
Rule added to the G-Suite Gmail setting, which allows all emails to reach you.
⌚ When do you do this?
Ideally as soon as you get G-Suite.
✅ Any special requirements?
You need to have a G-Suite setup for your domain (Check our SOP016 and 017).
🙋‍♂️Who should do it?
Administrator of the G-Suite account for your domain.

👉 Where this is done: In G-Suite Admin Console.

⏳ How long will this take? about 5 minutes.

In 5 minutes, any email that should reach your organization will be delivered even if misaddressed

Environment setup:

Navigating to Gmail settings within G-Suite

  • Go to G-Suite.
  • Click on “Admin console” in the upper right corner.
  • Log in with your G-Suite account (choose your main administrator account)
  • In your Admin Panel click on “Apps”.
  • Choose “G Suite” apps.
  • Click on “Gmail” on the list.
  • Click on “Default routing” or “Advanced Settings
  • Choose “Configure”.
  • New window will pop-up. Choose “All recipients” from the dropdown list.
  • Scroll down and check the “Add more recipients” box.

Don’t change any other setting – it will allow you to receive a full email

  • After checking the “Add more recipients” box a window will pop-up. Click on “Add” in it.
  • Enter an email address that you want to receive all emails sent to your domain address. The email must be associated with your G-Suite. It can be your administrator email address or any other user email address. Confirm the recipient address by clicking on “Save”.
  • You should see your newly added “Recipient”. Click on “Save”.
  • I just added a rule to your Gmail default routing. 

The rule you just added will redirect all emails sent to any email address that ended with “@yourdomainname.com” to the designated recipient. That will allow you to receive all email that should reach your organization no matter if there are any mistakes with an email address before “@”.

Now when you set up a Catch-All email you don’t have to worry about any missed clients or potential offers. Any message that is addressed to you will reach “you”!